Human/Animal Training
Human/Animal Training
Everyone wants a well behaved animal. Unfortunately most animals do not join our families already trained & most of our
clients aren't fluent in speaking animal. Don't fret! We can help you and your animal build core skills and speak the same language.
Fall in love with your animal all over again, without the stress and embarrassment of a poorly mannered
best friend. We use science based positive reinforcement training, we call it Practical Training.
No prong, shock, choke or other painful methods used. If you wouldn't do it to a 4 year old child, why would you do it to your pet?
We build a relationship between you and your animal in a positive, timely manner.
Behavior Solutions Assessment- $375
Behavior Issues such as dog on dog aggression, lunging, barking, leash reactivity, growling, biting, fear or anxiety.
60 minute assessment.
Pre Puppy Prep- $375
Puppy Assessment- $375
Integrating your new puppy into the family, potty training, socialization, basic commands, veterinary referral and diet consultation.
60-75 minutes
Additional Trainings- 60 minutes $275*
Board & Train- rates vary pending assessment of animal
Phone/Video Consultation- 60 minutes initial $375 additional follow up $275
*rates may vary pending needs of the animal and owner
We can help build your relationship with any animal. Shoot us an email and we will be happy to assist you and your animal friend.